I saw all the Contender series fights this season, as I did in 2019. I rated everyone on their performance, and this is my top 10 list. Anyway these are based on their show performance, and is not an overall rating of the fighter.
They did a great job of taking the Tuesday out of that Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series, because it wasn’t held on a Tuesday for week 8. I guess that they wanted to get around that pesky presidential garbage. Anyway, there were a lot of mismatches on week 8. On week 9 there were a lot more even contests
Fighters that got contracts were:
Jared Vanderaa, Luis Saldana, Ignacio Bahamondes, Carlos Ulberg, Luana Pinheiro, Nikolas Motta and Natan Levy
Here are grades of the talent on the show. These grades are only based on their Contender Series performance, and not their performance before, in other organizations.read more
York starts off by throwing leg kicks, and he looks good, he then goes in for a clinch, and he looks good, Anglickas reverses the position and York looks bad. York starts to close his guard, and Anglickas takes over.